Guidelines for Respondents:

Before you go:

  • Initiate contact with the director of the production or the designated contact person.
  • Confirm the date and time of the performance with the director in a timely fashion.
  • Get clear travel directions to campus and to the theatre.
  • The host school can expect to arrange and pay for lodging if you need to spend the night.
  • Many schools invite you to dinner beforehand, giving you an opportunity to engage in collegial conversation.
  • Determine the location, time and format of the oral response session.

At the Response Session:

  • Remind the company about the dates and location of the Regional Festival, and encourage all to attend regardless of whether or not their work is selected for presentation.
  • Respect the work the company has done in your response.
  • DON’T – talk about how you directed or would have directed the production.
  • DO – make the response session a conversation about the work by asking and inviting questions, as well as articulating your response.
  • Discuss the Irene Ryan and Musical Theatre nomination(s) with the director of the production. The director and respondent may nominate up to two Irene Ryan students for an associate production, or three for a participating production if they are truly exceptional. The director and respondent may nominate up to one Musical Theatre student per musical production.

After the Response Session:

  • Submit the online form.
  • Consider nominations for Certificate of Merit and Invited Scenes, and include them in your report to the regional chair.
  • A thank you note to the host school is a nice courtesy.